Finally the Bonleoni furniture collection, created entirely by our designer Daniele Bonicolini, has been released. It is a line of luxury furniture for the living area.


On April 3, it has been made the first presentation of the book «Создание интерьера. Стиль и комфорт ” at the conference room of the Golden Ring Hotel in Moscow, just a few days after the book was released in the best bookstores in Russia & CIS. Many participants have been introduced by the author, Daniele Bonicolini, in the fascinating journey of the world of interior design.

Here are some photos of the event:

For the occasion, a “booktrailer” has been created to give a visual description of the topics covered in the book:

Libro Interior Design by Daniele Bonicolini

Here is our video presentation of our company with its activities:

Last 28/9 the event “The beauty of art makes living passionate” was held in Verona, at the Villa Dionisi of the Morelato family. During the event a round table was organized to discuss the relationship between art and design. Our head designer, Daniele Bonicolini was a guest at the evening as well as the famous art expert Prof. Vittorio Sgarbi.

Our interior designer Daniele Bonicolini has made a video providing a lot of advices on the use of colors in interiors to make the spaces more beautiful and comfortable.

Video colors by Daniele Bonicolini